Activate FWDL

The Active FWDL command starts to running the firmware image that was downloaded to the device during the Start FWDL command. When the workflow completes, the message firmware image activation successful indicates the command completed the request to activate firmware successfully—and not necessarily that the firmware activation itself is complete. The message activate FWDL operation failed indicates the request to activate firmware did not complete successfully.

Some firmware activate immediately while others may take up to 15 minutes, in part because the command causes the module or SBAP to reregister itself with the network. Therefore, Itron recommends waiting 15 minutes before you perform another command on the module or SBAP of any kind. In rare cases, performing a command before firmware activation completes can interrupt the activation process, causing it to fail. When the Activate FWDL command workflow in Field Tools completes, a message about the 15-minute activation window appears.

The only supported hardware configuration for performing Activate FWDL is with a Windows mobile device (that meets Field Tools minimum requirements) that is paired to the IMR using a USB connection. For more information, see Minimum requirements